Sunday, May 31, 2009

Condemning the Murder of George Tiller

George Tiller was murdered in the foyer of his church today in Wichita, Kansas. Over the years he had become a lightening rod of controversy in the abortion debate because he was one of the few who was willing to perform late-term abortions.

I denounce his killing in the strongest possible terms as being sinful, immoral, and fundamentally contrary to Christian morality.

Our prayers as Christians at this time should be for his family and that anti-life forces will be prevented from taking advantage of this tragedy to promote their agenda of expanding abortion services in America and around the world.

Friday, May 29, 2009

YES WE MUST BE OPEN TO THE CULTURE, BUT NO...we cannot baptize sin

Last night I was at a meeting here in Guelph in which we were talking about how Christians can more effectively communicate the good news of Jesus. In a DVD shown the speaker pointed out that a great many Christians today are without knowing it, longing for a better past, kind of a golden era when Christian values were generally more accepted. He added that some Christians see the present culture, and its values as so anti-God that believers are actually angry and hostile at the culture in general.

I think, in part, the speaker is on the money. If believers are angry, contemptuous and hostile toward a culture they are seeking to witness to and win to Christ there is a fundamental problem. Now don't get me wrong, God help us not to fall into the error of being soft on sin and so tolerant and compassionate that we end up being more tolerant than Christ. But on the other hand, it simply will not do to so live and so speak that people only hear condemnation and judgment from our words and lives. Someone much more holy than us mastered this kind of living and speaking. For Jesus was not soft on sin, but somehow he communicated love not condemnation. God help us to learn from him. For there is error on either side of the road. Those who want to speak only of love, compassion and tolerance are also very much in error...for they are prone to leave out the truth about sin and God's hatred of it, and the result is that they are apt to baptize sin and make it virtuous when God has spoken otherwise.

This topic is made more complex by the fact that in several places in scripture Christians are commanded to 'hate that which is evil, and to hold fast to that which is good". We also know that there is such a thing as righteous anger. Who can contemplate the vile actions of pimps for example who seduce young women, or rape them, and then blackmail them into a life of prostitution. Such vileness causes in me a well of righteous anger, and I do believe that God would approve.

We must guard our soul against a generalized anger and contempt toward our culture. Certainly one aspect of such guarding is to love and exercise compassion both for sinners and sinned against, to see all people as lost sheep in need of a shepherd. Jesus modelled such love to both Zacchaeus, the hated tax collector, and as well, to the Samaritan woman. Both of these people would have been considered the dregs of society...but Jesus made it a point to reach out to them with his wonderful good news. We too by his power can and must love the people in our culture without baptizing their sins. And we must find ways of communicating that love.

I am aware that there are some so rebellious against God and truth who will insist that all judging between "right' and "wrong" is in itself an act of hate. Such libertines would do away with all right and wrong if they could, and in the meantime they malign and slander truth for their own ends. I do not say that we will convince them of their error, but we must try, and even with these, seek to do so with a gracious spirit.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Fierce the Conflict

Norman Cliff has written a fascinating book on persecution of Christians in China titled, Fierce the Conflict. In one chapter that deals with the famous Watchman Nee, Cliff recounts how Nee in 1950 returned to China from the safety of Hong Kong for he believed that God wanted him back in the country to preach and witness.

"Nee was aware that he, together with many other Christians, would soon be suffering for their faith. And so he wrote a hymn based on Galatians 6:17 (I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ) in which Christ is saying":

Why have you no marks?
I was persecuted and hung alone on the Tree,
Surrounded with coldness, cruelty and pride.
I was hurt by rod, spear and nails,
Why have you no marks?

Two years later Nee was arrested, sentenced and imprisoned for fifteen years.

We believers in comfortable places like Canada and the USA for the most part have very few marks, indeed most have none at all. Just maybe the absence of marks is proof of a lack of bold witness...just maybe the lack of bold witness is why there is so little growth in His church? Where do marks come from? What do they look like? Should part of our praying be directed to the acquisiton of some marks?


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

CONVERSATION IN HELL (Because its still Easter)

If you were here on Christmas Eve, perhaps you remember the conversation we heard between Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness—Satan, the Devil, the Evil One and his assistant, Wormwood. Today, they return. So imagine, if you will, a conversation, about this time of day, on the very first Easter. A conversation in hell.

Sir, I have that preliminary damage report, the one you asked for on this morning’s incident.

Wormwood, I am the Prince of Darkness, the master of lies, the Sultan of Spin, the pioneer of propaganda. Don’t try to slip one by me! “This morning’s incident?” Don’t you mean “This morning’s catastrophe?” The major screw-up!!!”

Yes, sir. It appears that way. Significant damage was done. According to witnesses, everything seemed perfect, going just as expected. They all confirm he was dead—completely and totally dead. No deep coma, no faking it. Not the Trojan Horse strategy I originally suspected. Dead—definitely dead. We had him. Jesus, the Messiah, the eternal Word of God, Christ, dead and in our custody, just where we wanted him.

Of course, he was dead, really dead. No sleeper cell. No playing opossum. The Romans don’t make mistakes with their crucifixions. Crosses are very efficient—what a marvelous invention. But then what?

According to reports, just around sunrise, unexpectedly, inexplicably, everything began to shake and rumble, and suddenly he’s alive. Not just alive, but powerful, incredibly powerful. He blew the gates of hell right open, sir. You know, the sturdiest, most indestructible gates ever—just blown apart. The only possible explanation is that God did this.

Of course, God did this. Who else could? Who else can raise the dead? Who else could shatter our mighty gates? But don’t be too alarmed. I have a plan.

What is it, your Wretchedness? I don’t see how it could be any worse. How can we pull through this disaster?

Let’s not make it about whether he was really dead or not. Let’s make it about whether he is really alive. Put the ball in their court. Let them convince people he really rose. Just go into “plausible deniability mode.” Play the logic card. Pump up the skepticism. Alive? Really? Who will believe it? The body was stolen—by grave robbers, by overzealous followers. Who is proclaiming he’s alive? Hysterical women. Mangy, untaught fishermen. People won’t believe them.Yes, sir. We’re already putting counter-information out. The guards at the tomb have been bribed. But sir, we still have the issue of the gates of hell. They were blown open and are beyond repair. When Jesus walked out of here this morning, he took millions, perhaps billions of people with him. It was quite the jailbreak. All those people experiencing freedom and new life—incredible!! When word spreads that the gates of hell are open, won’t everyone leave?I’m not too worried actually. Those gates were more for show anyway, to frighten people. What you need to understand about human beings is that they are very impressed with themselves. They are quite proud of their ability to make their own decisions, to think through their choices, their “freedom”—they call it. Most of the folk that are here with us are so impressed by their ability to choose, they’ll stay right here, even if it is hell, because that is what they choose, and nobody better question their decision. The gates may be open, but most people won’t leave. Even though they hate it here, there are some you couldn’t drag out of here.

Really, sir? You think some will stay here voluntarily?

Of course! I’m sure of it. Honestly, even with the gates in a shambles, I expect we’ll still get pretty brisk traffic into the place, newcomers, people wandering in of their own accord. They just like thinking they’ve made up their own minds. This morning’s disaster won’t change them. I’m more concerned that one day Jesus might return to round up the stragglers and stubborn ones.

But sir, with Jesus alive, with many of the former residents now gone, with the gates of hell in smithereens, well, with all due respect sir, doesn’t this mean it’s over. We’re done for—doomed?

Wormwood, I am the Prince of Darkness. No one on earth is my equal. I can twist peoples’ minds. I can confuse them, bamboozle them, make them think what they’re doing is good. I can wrap them around my little finger. Still all my power pales in comparison to God Almighty. Always has. Always will. God versus me, good versus evil—no contest, really! I’m totally overmatched. That’s the way it’s always been.

Boy, your Wretchedness, I’ve never heard you be so blunt, so down. The past few days have been quite the roller coaster ride.

You’re right about that. When I think back to Friday, seeing Jesus hanging up there on the cross, I was giddy, on an incredible high, what a glimmer of hope. But l guess it just goes to show that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Sure, this morning’s resurrection is a disaster. But I was painted into a corner before and now I am again. Honestly, looking back over the last few thousand years, I think I’ve done amazingly well, exceeded everyone’s expectations. Somehow God has never wanted to take me on directly, or never wanted to resort to my tactics. I guess that’s what makes him God.

Well with you getting all nostalgic on me, I guess that means it’s over for us. Right, sir? We’re packing it in?

What? How can I hope to accomplish anything with help like you? What do you think? We’re going to retire and move south? What kind of fool are you? I have just begun to fight! I can still take lots down with me. Have you seen a wounded animal, a mortally wounded animal, Wormwood? Didn’t your mother ever warn you to watch out for a hurt and dying beast?

Well, sir. You forget, I didn’t have a mother.

Whatever. A hurt and dying beast is dangerous and unpredictable, desperate and crazed. That’s us. We’ve got lots of time before the story spreads from Jerusalem. We’ve still got lots of power and tricks at our disposal. We can do a lot of damage—so much damage people will doubt the resurrection ever happened. We may lose in the end, Wormwood, but we can make it long and bloody in the meantime.

Yes, your Wretchedness. Yes, indeed. But some people will know Jesus rose and I suspect news of the resurrection will spread.

But just think how much fun we can have with those who know Jesus is alive. We can divide them, corrupt them, distract them, cause them to lose their focus. Pointing out the hypocrisy and failings of Jesus’ followers—it is a definite growth industry.

Now you’re sounding like the Lucifer of old. I’m getting fired up, boss. Excited, hopeful.

And you, who are so concerned that our gates are destroyed, don’t forget that the beams of my empire pass through every palace on earth. The huge timbers of my empire are built right into the main street of every town and village. My cold grip is on so many hearts and minds, businesses, institutions and rulers. I may be going down, Wormwood, but not without pulling down a lot with me. And when the mighty beams of my empire finally do fall, they will crush millions. The ruins and wreckage of my empire will be dangerous for centuries still. Just watch and learn, Wormwood. Watch and learn!

Yes, sir. I will, sir. But still, there are some who do believe Jesus is alive. Your cold grip doesn’t control everyone and everything. Some people are truly filled with new life. There are people out there who genuinely know Jesus rose. There are people who believe love and forgiveness are the most powerful forces in the world. Who knows what they might do to us? Why isn’t it true that just one little word can fell you?—the simple name “Jesus” stops you in your tracks?

Wormwood— Don’t you ever have good news? What are you a bearer of doom and gloom?

Sir, that is exactly what I am—a bearer of doom and gloom. I don’t have much experience with Good News. But back to the gist of my original report, it is true: Christ is risen.

Shhhhh! Don’t say it so loud! Don’t you think I know that Christ is risen, indeed?

Author, Steve Mathonnet-Vande, Originally published in the Church Herald for Easter 2009, Published with permission.

Maybe this is the second coming of C.S Lewis and the Screwtape Letters. In any case I applaud his creativity.

Prophetic Preaching

I don't know if you know John Piper or not. But if you have any interest at all in the subject of ending abortion you will not be sorry you took five minutes out of your busy day to see the following video on Utube taken from a sermon by John Piper. If this is what a truly prophetic word spoken to the powerful sounds like, then I must confess that I know virtually nothing about it. God help me before I die to know it.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bravo to the brave Miss California
May 19, 2009 The Guelph Mercury
Royal hamel

The United States is embattled in an escalating culture war on the issue of same-sex marriage. If the battle plays out as it did in Canada, many Christians and many churches will run for cover instead of speaking clearly what the Bible has taught for 2,000 years. But like a voice crying in the wilderness, a little-known beauty queen from California has stunned both Christians and non-Christians by her brave stand for traditional marriage.

In the final stages of judging at the Miss USA pageant on April 19, 21-year-old Miss California, Carrie Prejean, from San Diego Christian College, was the only contestant thrown a political bombshell. Pageant judge Perez Hilton, homosexual activist and pundit, asked, "Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriage; do you think every state should follow suit?"
Carrie's remarkably brave answer included the words, ". . . I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offence to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised and that's how I think it should be -- between a man and a woman."

With that response, she lost her bid for the Miss USA tiara, and lit a fire of controversy that has not abated. On his website, Perez Hilton slandered her as a "b--ch" and defaced photos of her with sexually explicit drawings. He reputedly commented that he had given her a zero, and if she had won he would have ripped off her crown and would have run from the building. Since then, the radical left, much of the media, and many bloggers have scornfully attacked Prejean because of her seemingly politically incorrect views.

Some conservative Christians don't want Prejean defending marriage because they think she's not pure enough. I think they're wrong.If God in Old Testament times could use Rahab, a prostitute, to protect his spies, and a murderer like the apostle Paul to become his chief messenger, surely an imperfect, flamboyant beauty queen should pose no problem. Spiritual purists should beware of trying to be more spiritual than God.

Who can doubt that the question by Hilton was deliberately chosen to expose Prejean's beliefs? Knowing she was from a Christian college, he undeniably had a clear idea what she believed. He knew that she couldn't falsify an answer and still be true to her convictions. Hilton's question was designed to out Prejean as a Christian who believed in traditional marriage.

Who knew that a time would come when Christians would need to be "outed"? In any case, his question hit the mark.

Prejean admits she was tempted to fudge the answer. She said to Dr. James Dobson on his Focus on the Family program, "God was saying, . . . 'Carrie, do not compromise this -- you need to stand up for me . . . You need to show you're not willing to compromise this for this title of Miss USA.' "

After three weeks of relentless media attack, Prejean spoke out April 12 at a news conference called by Donald Trump. She publicly forgave her persecutors and those who had spoken maliciously against her. But she also held fast to her free speech rights as an American citizen, and insisted that the persecution inflicted on her was wrong.

This outright attack and bullying of a public figure because of their religious beliefs is more than a little troubling. To put this in perspective, Prejean simply stood up for basic Christian teaching on marriage (Jesus clearly defines marriage in Matthew 19 as involving male and female).

Doesn't it seem somewhat presumptuous to accuse Jesus of discrimination and hatred? Shouldn't God get to establish the basic ground rules of the institutions He created?

Carrie was outed and her private beliefs (which had nothing to do with the beauty pageant) were held up to ridicule, scorned, and belittled. Christians all over America and Canada would do well to take note. They can try and hide from the culture war by faithlessly keeping silent, thus hiding their truth. But they will not succeed, for there are legions of Perez Hiltons who will seek them out for exposure.

No, no, far better to openly own the truth that has been given.
Far, far better for timid, secret-agent type Christians and churches to celebrate the goodness of God's truth on marriage, and to share it faithfully and lovingly to all who have a heart to listen.

Royal Hamel is a member of the Guelph Mercury's Community Editorial Board.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Darkness in America

The scandal of the most anti-life president in history speaking at Notre Dame continues to amaze me. How and why he was given permission by the Catholic hierarchy to do so is simply beyond me. Not being Catholic my knowlege fails me here, for I'm naive enough to think that the bishop in charge of the school should have had the power to prevent this from happening. Please help me out here if you are Catholic and know how this works.

The president called for "civility" of speech even when we differ on this profound moral question. Fair enough, but only up to a point. If a racist, or an anti-semite, or a terrorist wants to take a public podium and speak in defense of their action and attitudes would we be congenial to their explicit call that we should all engage in polite, civil discourse. I don't think so. There comes a time when truth must be spoken clearly. To do otherwise is to let the other side win by fudging and obfuscating the reality of the killing that is being carried out every single day by every baby aborted. Don't get me wrong. By all means let's be civil when we're talking about morally neutral things like color preference for carpets, or types of haircuts, or sizes of nose rings...but when we are talking about the direct breaking of God's commandment, "You shall not murder" (Exodus 20, NASV) we're no longer on morally neutral territory. We should have a profound moral distaste for all that is evil and not give anyone the comfort of covering it up with pretty words and euphemisms that hide its horrible reality.